A Kid With Passion – All Grown Up!!

Passion excites people – and what could be more exciting than  breaking a world record for the Guinness Book of Records? Note from Self – My own daughter did this just last year when she was the 27th, I think, (and last) person to be slipped into a mini with the All Stars Cheerleaders from Auckland. At 22 (and only 50kgs) she was a welcome addition to the team, but it was not without difficulty that they squeezed her foot in as the front driver’s door was closed. She was left “crowd surfing” (on a calm day!!) the rest of the bodies, with her head somewhere near the back window!!

This next person I want to introduce you to is a record breaker extraordinaire! He’s been at it for over a decade. Look at Alistair Galpin’s next world attempt online, and  support his team as starts “Shaking History“, with proceeds towards the Auckland Down Syndrome Association Inc. I don’t want to even try to explain this – just click-through to the Shaking History website and see for yourself.

Count all the World Record’s he has been involved in breaking over the last decade. You might ask yourself – what would this kid have looked like as he went through school? When I finally meet him, I may just ask him this very question.

Just thinking … online.