Just a snippet here as I start to get myself out of the last two months of online ‘alone-ness’ – endured while I packed up myself, my house and all my worldly goods, to emigrate to the lovely South Pacific ‘tropical paradise’ of Samoa. You can read about my experiences on my Facebook page – Debbie-Adele Smith.
I watched a video on You Tube entitled simply, How To Be Alone. It was an acted out version of a beautiful poem that would definitely give power to an introvert. Some people would like to be alone, but seem to be pressured by society to be more social. We need to teach our students, the introverted gifted, especially, that it is okay to be alone.
I especially liked a comment made about this video, and ‘liked’ by many more –
“Don’t look at being alone as the absence of other people, but the presence of yourself.”
This really does look at ‘alone-ness’ from another point of view… online.